I’ve Been Where You Are…


A Christian who was eternally grateful for salvation in Christ, yet sincerely struggling to understand my role in Jesus’ plan to, “make disciples of all nations.”

Was Jesus asking me to leave everything - my job, my loved ones, my belongings - and move overseas? Would that require going to seminary first, and learning a new language? Was I to risk my life in the face of persecution?

Or was Jesus just as pleased with me if I did what I could to enable someone else to go? After all, somebody has got to earn the money to fund the mission, while being a light to our own nation.

If I was to choose not to go, it had to be out of confidence that staying was the best way for me to maximize what God had entrusted to me to advance His kingdom. But honestly, I struggled big time to find that confidence.

Can you relate? Maybe it’s because no matter how many prayers we pray, or how many dollars we give to support missionaries, sponsor orphans, and fund Bible translation, we still have no firsthand experiences to show for it.


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